WriteOn: Writing About Our Teaching
We invite you to join us for a Saturday writing workshop as part of our new project called WriteOn. The goal of WriteOn is to feature teacher’s ideas on the NCWP site as a way to highlight the fabulous work you all do locally to support the teaching of writing. This workshop is open to any grade level or discipline: the only criteria is that you have participated in an Invitational Summer Institute in the past.
Sarah Pape, faculty at Chico State and local writer, will facilitate with Kim Jaxon, Director of the NCWP. Sarah has years of experience supporting writers: she is currently the managing editor of Watershed Review, a nationally recognized literary magazine produced at Chico State. Her poetry and prose has recently been published in The New York Times, New England Review, Passages North, Ecotone, Crab Orchard Review, Bluestem, The Pinch, Smartish Pace, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and others. Kim is a featured writer for the Connected Learning Alliance and regularly writes about her teaching. They will facilitate a day of productive writing about students, classrooms, and the teaching of writing.
- Saturday, February 23, 9:00-3:00pm, on the Chico State campus (room TBA). Lunch and materials provided.
- Upon submission of a blog to feature on the NCWP site, participants will receive a $50 stipend. We can decide on submission deadlines that work for participant’s schedules at the workshop.
Interested? Please apply: LINK HERE. We can offer a place to the first 12 applicants. Applications due Feb 15 by 6:00pm.