Book Study: Above Ground & Counting Descent by Clint Smith
Join NCWP Co-Director and creative writing professor, Sarah Pape, for an exploration of author, poet, and educator, Clint Smith’s two poetry collections, Counting Descent and Above Ground. We’ll read and discuss the books, as well as write our own poems in response to Smith’s work. The book study will culminate with Clint Smith’s poetry reading on Chico State campus. Upon registration we will mail you both books. Register here.
Zoom Discussions: March 27th, 4:00-5:00 pm, April 3rd, 4:00-5:00 pm, April 10th, 4:00-5:00 pm
Readings (optional): Clint Smith will be reading on the Chico State campus twice on April 11th: 3:00 pm (poetry), 7:30 pm (Book In Common)
Contact Sarah Pape with any questions at