Achievement, Citizenship, and Engagement

Achievement, Citizenship, and Engagement

Achievement, Citizenship, and Engagement (ACE): Test Scores and Beyond is an extended, common core intensive inservice program for elementary schools that combines curricular and character education while keeping the focus on engaging student learning.

In response to the current landscape of California schools, the Northern California Writing Project has developed ACE: Test Scores and Beyond, a program that combines professional development in literacy with the materials that teachers need. The Northern California Writing Project recognizes the need for California schools to show achievement on standardized tests, while engaging students and teachers with an exciting curriculum in math, science, social studies, and language arts that includes high-level comprehension, critical thinking, and citizenship.  Teachers will want to teach and students will want to learn. Anchoring this program is Being a Writer, an award-winning year-long writing curriculum developed by Caring Schools in consultation with the National Writing Project.

What are the benefits for your school?

  • Smarter students and more knowledgeable teachers
  • Increase in student achievement and engagement
  • Authentic data-driven conversations among teachers
  • A real place for parent involvement
  • Technology that supports student learning
  • Curriculum that aligns with Caring Schools and California Common Core Standards

What materials are provided?

  • Being A Writer materials K-6
  • Mathematics software (e.g. IXL software}
  • Test preparation materials (e.g. Bellworks)
  • Model lessons
  • Professional learning community guides

How to fund?

  • NCWP can create a budget with you that combines professional development and materials
  • NCWP is a CDE-authorized school improvement provider
  • Title I Part A, Title II Part A and D, Title III Part A, Title IV Part A
  • State and federal grants for technology

For more information, contact Dr. Suzanne Linebarger

All programs offered by NCWP are researched-based