Zoe is a young highschool girl with high aspirations to launch a career in a Naval Military Police or MOA (Master Of Arms) she has a keen eye for detail and a compassion for victims she is currently is launching a fight against cyber bullying against multiple social media platforms in her community. For example she has stopped and was able to remove four hate pages that after one was gone she was blasted on the other three and got them all shut down. She has also dealt with the hatred and cruel words on snapchat as well. Zoe’s never afraid to take on new challenges. Besides academics she has participated in Girl Scouts, 4-H, Volunteer Coaching, and her wide sport career. She has done Competitive Cheer on a US national team, Varsity High School Cheer, Varsity Soccer, Co-Ed Soccer, Track and Field, Powder Puff, Softball, Baseball, Tap Dancing, Karate, MMA, and currently doing KickBoxing.